Tuesday, August 23, 2016

2016-08-23 London to Victoria

We checked out early from the hotel because we had an early flight. It was sad to leave my daughter. But I know that God will protect her.

The flight home was uneventful, except that we were at the tarmac for about an hour. Heathrow airport is very busy. There's probably one touch down or take off every minute. This delay caused us to miss our connecting flight to Victoria. Fortunately, there were vacant seats so we were able to catch the next flight home.

If there is anything I picked up from this trip is the need for martyrdom in faith. I have seen how people gave up their lives for their Lord. They willingly stood by their faith perhaps with fear, but in the end, committed to die for their Lord than betray him.

Martyrdom in its strictest sense is not dying for the faith, although this is probably the ultimate martyrdom. It literally means being a witness. We are all called to be martyrs, to witness for the glory and power of God. This requires trust in the Lord, a willingness to listen to him and obey him. It requires a willingness to change our thinking to conform to his.

In the end, it is our trust in the Lord that leads us to obedience. This is the final measure of martyrdom: obedience to the Lord.

The purpose of martyrdom is not for ourselves. It is for the glory of God. Just as the Crown Jewels were displayed for all people to see the power and wealth of England, we are God's Crown Jewels for him to display to show his power and glory. This is what holiness really means: To be separated for God so he can show us as proof of his glory and power.

May the Lord continue to bless us as we journey in our lives so we can be true martyrs of our faith.

St Peter, who died, crucified upside down, Pray for us
St Paul who suffered for the gospel, Pray for us
St Lawrence, who see the weak and poor as the riches of the Church, Pray for us
St Stephen, first martyr of the Church, Pray for us
St Thomas of Canterbury, who died defending the rights of the Church, Pray for us.
St John Southworth, Faithful priest of Christ, Pray for us
St Joseph, who gave up his plans and life to look after the Blessed Mother and her Child, Pray for us.

Mary, Queen of Martyrs, Pray for us.

Jesus, the Crown of Martyrs, Have mercy on us.

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