Monday, August 15, 2016

2016-08-15 Assumption at Lourdes

This is it. It is the Great Feast of the Assumption, where Catholics believe God took Mary to heaven body and soul. This is the hope we also have, that one day, we will join God and Mary and all the saints, body and soul, and see him face to face. This is our destiny and because Mary has gone before us, this gives us hope that we too will share this fate.
Today also is my father's death anniversary. Eternal rest grant to him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Mary pray for his soul.

We went to the Shrine very early in the morning. There was going to be a mass at 9:00. We went early also to fill up our bottles with the spring water.

Lourdes: Early morning
Mass was held outdoors. I do not think the underground basilica could hold that many. There were many people, many in wheel chairs. The sight of them coming to the Lord is touching. Through their silent witness they proclaim the goodness and greatness of the Lord.

Goodness because in their hearts, they know God hears them. Greatness, because they come to him, believing he has the power to heal. Indeed, Nothing is impossible to those who believe. We may not have physical healing, but God always heals us where we need to.

It may not be what we expect or how we expect, but we can always expect God's healing in the way he thinks best for us.

We went back to the hotel after the mass and came back to the Shrine in the afternoon for the Eucharistic procession. How else to end our visit to Lourdes but by worshiping Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. While waiting for the event to start, I noticed several priests seated around the grounds, offering confession. I saw a priest and a young penitent, perhaps in his tweens. What struck me is both were kneeling on the cement! Talk about hard-core penitence.

After this, both walked a bit and the penitent went his way. A few minutes later, I see the same priest with another young guy, this time, around his twenties and both were kneeling again. Aside from this, there were other priests available for confession. This is an extremely touching scene.

At 5pm, the procession started. I wound up through the entire shrine and ended at the underground basilica.

We prepare to leave Lourdes to catch the 10pm train to Paris.

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